#DNL Timeline: Baylor contends with series of sex-assault reports (Yahoo Sports)

Timeline: Baylor contends with series of sex-assault reports (Yahoo Sports)

Baylor University, the largest Baptist school in the U.S., has been contending for the past year with cascading reports of sexual assaults committed by football players and, more broadly, complaints by students, alumni and others that officials at the university in Texas failed to adequately investigate rape claims for years. Jan. 23, 2014: Tevin Elliott, a 2011 Big 12 honorable mention as a sophomore defensive end for the Bears, is convicted of two counts of sexual assault and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Aug. 21, 2015: Elliott's conviction appeared to receive little attention outside the central Texas city of Waco, where Baylor is located, until Sam Ukwuachu is convicted of sexually assaulting another student and later sentenced to six months in jail and probation.


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