Spain released their official Euro 2016 song, and it’s everything you could possibly hope for. It’s catchy as all hell—I’ve been singing España ey ey, cantamos gol gol to myself all day—features a verse sung by the heavily Andalusian-accented Sergio Ramos, and as a bonus both Pique and Juanfran look like they’re being forced by kidnappers to participate against their will.

Official team songs, which are more prevalent in international soccer than any other sport, are one of those little things about sports that I love. Some utilize the talents of international pop stars, while in others the team sings. Some have lyrics only loosely relating to sport, while others almost embarrassingly venerate past glories. Some are endearingly provincial, while others struggle to relate to the team or country they’re representing.

So, in honor of Ramos’s vocal stylings, what are your official favorite team songs? Perhaps you enjoy the proto-rapping in the Super Bowl Shuffle? The Village People dancing with the German national team? The song that sums up English soccer better than any book ever could: ‘This Time, We’ll Get it Right’? Drop your favorite in the comments.